Sunday, 18 October 2009

"I went to San Diego and all I got was this lousy t-shirt case of swine flu".


ArielTT said...

Get well soon Bawbie.

Alrighter! said...

That sucks! Get well soon Bob. Best stay in isolation for a bit ehh, oh.. no offense like but dont send me any emails or toilet seats cos apparently thats how it spreads. Cheerzen.

Pig Dog said...


I thought you also had a blue one of those big collars they put on dogs to stop 'em biting their fleas. You haven't got fleas have you?

Bawb said...

No - just pig aids.

onehundredandfiftyonereasons said...

No!!!! Get well soon mate, skate the poison out!!!!!

crenimugil-labrosus said...

LOL @ Pig Dogs big blue collar gag.

Get well soon Bob.

Plenty of time to update your blog with tales of SoCal whilst yer off work then.

Stevie Ritalin said...

you disgust me! xxx

Mystery Steve said...

I've heard that tamiflu knocks the shit out of people worse than swine flu itself.

Get well soon.